Partrac extends floating wind measurement capability

Nortek is providing the marine survey outfit with its Signature250 ADCP and accompanying subsurface buoy [Image: Partrac]

Metocean survey outfit Partrac is working with instrumentation outfit Nortek to provide floating wind developers with detailed and accurate data on metocean conditions at potential development sites.

Acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) have been a part of Partrac’s toolkit for constructing detailed profiles of current and wave movements around wind farms.

These instruments provide highly accurate profiles of water movement using the Doppler effect to measure the shift in sound waves reflected from particles at various depths through a water column.
Moving to deeper water now requires a longer-range ADCP solution.

Nortek was able to provide Partrac with its Signature250 ADCP and accompanying subsurface buoy.

The instrument allows users to measure currents and directional waves up to 200 metres for current profiling, and 150 metres for wave height and direction.

“We needed an instrument for deeper water that could still measure both current profiles and the wave climate.

The Signature250 has proven to provide exceptional data thus far,” said Pete Wilson, operations director at Partrac.

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